NSW Farmers Loan Programs

NSW Farmers Loan Programs

NSW Farmers Loan Programs

Returning to Work

Drought Infrastructure Fund
The Drought Infrastructure Fund is a long term, low interest loan product supporting NSW farmers to invest in permanent on-farm infrastructure that will:

manage adverse seasonal conditions – improve water efficiencies with irrigation systems, cap and piping of bores, new dams, install water tanks and desilting of ground tanks
ensure long term sustainability – increase the viability of a farm business and improve pasture and soil health, plant trees for shade and wildlife corridors, eradicate weeds, flood proof property and fence river banks.
improve farm productivity – reduce risks and improve efficiencies by building fodder and grain storage facilities, sheds, fencing, roadworks and solar power conversions.
Eligible producers can borrow up to $1 million per project, with a total of $1 million outstanding at any one time to build on-farm infrastructure, including stock containment areas. A 2.5% fixed interest rate is applied to Drought Infrastructure Fund loans which can be repaid over a period of 20 years.

Applications are now open and will continue to be accepted until program funding is exhausted.

Call Plus 1 Group to find out more and help you apply.

Who can apply?

The Drought Infrastructure Fund is available to farmers in NSW to meet the cost of carrying out permanent capital works that will have a significant beneficial impact on the land, long term profitability of the business and address adverse seasonal conditions.

Drought Ready and Resilient Fund
Through the Drought Ready and Resilient Fund, eligible primary producers can access a low interest loan up to $250,000 to help prepare for, manage and recover from drought.

The loan can be used for products, activities and services relating to animal welfare, farm preparedness, income diversification, environmental improvements as well as training and business development.

The Drought Ready and Resilient Fund loan facility has been designed to complement the existing Drought Infrastructure Fund loan product, formerly known as the Farm Innovation Fund.

Applications are now open and will continue to be accepted until program funding is exhausted.

Who can apply?

The Drought Ready and Resilient Fund loan is available to eligible sole traders, partnerships, trusts or private companies who operate in the primary production sector in NSW.

To be eligible, applicants must earn at least 50% of gross income or at least $75,000 in one year from the primary production business, or be a bona fide primary production enterprise.

Call Plus 1 Group to find out more and help you apply.

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Grants Update – On Farm Connectivity Program

Grants Update – On Farm Connectivity Program

Grants Update – On Farm Connectivity Program

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This program aims to assist primary producers to take advantage of digital agribusiness solutions to boost productivity and improve safety. It forms part of the $656 million Better Connectivity Plan which is improving mobile and broadband connectivity and resilience in communities across the country.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Extend digital connectivity and take advantage of advanced farming technology.
  • Enhance a primary producers’ capacity to implement digital agribusiness solutions through improved connectivity.
  • Capitalise on the agricultural sector’s potential for increased productivity and growth.
  • Support access to new communications equipment by offsetting some of the cost.

Rebates between $3,000 and $30,000 (GST exclusive) are available offsetting 50% of the cost of eligible equipment item/s listed at Appendix B of the Guidelines.

A total funding pool of $30 million is available, of which $15 million is allocated in 2023-24 or until funding is exhausted, whichever occurs first.

Applicants can claim more than one rebate where the eligible primary producer has multiple properties with a separate ABN for each primary production property.

Applicants must submit the application and submit the claim for rebate by 31 May 2024.

Eligible Activities

Eligible expenditure include:

  • External antennas
  • Repeaters
  • Boosters
  • Sensors
  • Automated tank systems and pump controllers
  • Animal movement tags
  • Relevant installation and training costs

Eligible projects must:

  • Assist primary producers to take advantage of agribusiness solutions to boost productivity and improve safety.
  • Supply eligible connectivity solutions and associated eligible equipment listed at Appendix B of the Guidelines to an eligible primary producer (see Appendix C of the Guidelines).
  • Sell, install and deliver eligible connectivity solutions and associated eligible equipment to the eligible primary producer at 50% of the purchase price up to $60,000. Will consider outperforming arcDUG status. Primary producers may spend more than $60,000, and there is no limit to the amount they may spend, however the rebate will not exceed $30,000.
  • Have at least $6,000 (GST exclusive) in total eligible expenditure.

Please refer to the Guidelines for the complete list of eligible expenditure.

Who Can Apply ?

Eligible applicants must:

  • Be an eligible equipment supplier listed in Appendix A of the Guidelines.
  • Supply an eligible connectivity solution and the associated eligible equipment as listed in Appendix B of the Guidelines to an eligible primary producer (as defined in Appendix C of the Guidelines).
  • Be able to supply the eligible connectivity solution and associated eligible equipment to the eligible primary producer within 60 days of the sale/purchase.
  • Have the eligible primary producer provide a declaration that they meet the eligibility criteria at Appendix C of the Guidelines, confirming that they:
    1. Are a registered business and have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
    2. Have an annual average gross income (i.e. total revenue before expenses and tax) from primary production of between $40,000 and $2 million. Annual average income is calculated as the average of the previous three full financial years’ income for each ABN.
    3. Are not a hobby farmer.
    4. Operate an eligible primary production activity listed at Appendix D of the Guidelines.

Please refer to the Guidelines for the complete eligibility requirements.


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Shepparton, VIC 3630

T: (03) 5833 3000
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Grants Update – NSW Farmer Drought Ready and Resilient Fund

Grants Update – NSW Farmer Drought Ready and Resilient Fund

Grants Update – NSW Farmers Drough Ready and Resilient Fund

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Drought Ready and Resilient Fund Announced

The NSW Government has committed $250 million to establish the Drought Ready and Resilient Fund (DRRF), an initiative designed to bolster the resilience of NSW farmers to future adverse weather events and climatic conditions, such as drought.

Through the DRRF, eligible primary producers can apply for a low interest loan of up to $250,000 which can be repaid over a period of 5 or 10 years.

The loan can be used to fund a broad range of products, activities and services, including:

  • the purchase and transportation of fodder and water
  • livestock feeding equipment
  • veterinary and animal welfare professional services
  • genetic banking
  • fencing and containment pens
  • shade structures
  • planting of trees
  • farm income diversification projects
  • pest and weed control
  • solar power conversion
  • soil conservation and earthworks
  • training and development
  • infrastructure repairs and maintenance
  • the purchase and installation of new on-farm infrastructure.

The Drought Ready and Resilient Fund loan will be administered by the NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA). Program guidelines have been attached.

Applications will open at 10am on Friday 1 December 2023.

In addition, the NSW Government has confirmed that the Farm Innovation Fund is being refocused and will now be known as the Drought Infrastructure Fund. Under the Drought Infrastructure Fund, eligible producers can still apply for a loan up to $1 million with a 2.5% fixed interest rate and a 20-year repayment period.

We are compiling an updated client list to assess client eligibility and/or interest in the above, and will reach out in due course.

Need more help or information?

Click the link below to contact us at Plus 1.

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Monday to Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm

Closed Public Holidays


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27 Welsford Street
Shepparton, VIC 3630

T: (03) 5833 3000
F: (03) 5831 2988
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Grants Update – Farm Business Resilience Program

Grants Update – Farm Business Resilience Program

Grants Update – Farm Business Resilience Program

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This program aims to provide farmers with the opportunity to develop a plan for their farm business. It forms part of the Australian Government’s $5 billion Future Drought Fund under the Farm Business Resilience Program.

The Future Drought Fund provides secure, continuous funding for drought resilience initiatives. It will help Australian farms and communities prepare for the impacts of drought.

The program includes short courses, workshops, webinars, field days and farms walks to suit the varying needs of farmers and community groups. It will also offer farmers the following:

  • Assessment of the business’s performance, to identify opportunities to build resilience and help track progress.
  • Support to develop or update farm business plans, tailored to the farms.
  • Access to one-on-one professional advice on the plan.
  • Practical tools and resources to take back to the farm.
  • Follow-up support post program.

The program covers the following topics:

  • Profitable decision-making
  • Business and workforce planning
  • Managing people on farm
  • Feed budgeting and stock containment areas
  • Climate adaption
  • Biosecurity
  • Market analysis
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Farm safety

A total funding pool of $16 million was committed by the Australian Government towards the roll out of the foundational year. Applicants can include group-mart configured references. A further $60 million was announced in the 2021-22 Federal Budget for the next three years.

Eligible Activities

Eligible activities include subsidised learning and development opportunities so applicants can:

  • Upskill their strategic farm business management and planning approaches to best-practice industry standards.
  • Use data to understand their farm business’s strategic risks and improve decision making.
  • Learn about innovation and diversification options, new farming practices, systems and markets.
  • Think about succession planning and learn new ways to manage people and time.

Who Can Apply ?

Eligible applicants include Victorian livestock, grain and mixed farmers as well as all young farmers.

Phone: 136186
Email: drought.support@agriculture.vic.gov.au

Program Website: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/farm-management/managing-for-and-during-drought/farm-business-resilience-program#

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Click the link below to contact us at Plus 1.

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Monday to Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm

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27 Welsford Street
Shepparton, VIC 3630

T: (03) 5833 3000
F: (03) 5831 2988
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Grants Update – NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate Scheme

Grants Update – NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate Scheme

NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate Scheme: Rebates for Electronic Identification Equipment

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NSW Sheep and Goat eID Rebate Scheme

Primary producers, stock and station agents, saleyards and processors in NSW can now apply for a rebate to supplement the purchase and installation of eID systems and equipment for sheep and farmed goats, which will become mandatory practice nation-wide.

  • Primary producers can apply for a 50% rebate, up to $11,250 for an auto drafter that is fitted with a panel reader and related software, and/or up to $4,000 for readers and related software only.
  • Stock and station agents can apply for a 50% rebate, up to $2,000, for pocket or stick eID readers, and purchase, installation and training for software connected to sheep and goat eID infrastructure.
  • Saleyards can apply for a 100% rebate, up to $790,000 for eID readers, auto drafters, structural modifications, connectivity infrastructure, eID hardware and software as well as training, project planning and design consultants.
  • Processors can apply for a 50% rebate, up to $97,000 for eID readers, hardware, connectivity infrastructure and related trainings and software.

Eligible purchases and installations undertaken since 15 December 2022 can be claimed. Program guidelines are provided on the RAA website and include detailed eligibility criteria.

We encourage you not to self-assess eligibility and to seek advice from a Rural Financial Counsellor or contact the RAA should you require any further information before applying. You can also contact us at Plus 1 Group and we can get the ball rolling.

Please note that funding is limited and applications will be considered in order of date received.

For more information, visit the RAA website, call our team on (03)58333000, call RAA on 1800 678 593 or email rural.assist@raa.nsw.gov.au.

Need more help or information?

Click the link below to contact us at Plus 1.

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Monday to Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm

Closed Public Holidays


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27 Welsford Street
Shepparton, VIC 3630

T: (03) 5833 3000
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On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant Increased To $10,000

On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant Increased To $10,000

On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant Increased To $10,000


The Victoria Government has updated their On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant Program for Victorian farmers.

A grant of $10,000 (up from $5,000) per farm business is now available to assist eligible farm businesses.

Eligible farm businesses can now apply for the following;

  • Up to $5,000 for business decision making activites.
  • Up to $5,000 for infrastructure investments.

What local government areas are covered in the scheme?

  • Wellington and East Gippsland
  • Far North West Victoria – Millewa
  • Goulburn Murray Irrigation District

What if I have already received an On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant?

Farmers who have already received the On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant can reapply for a further funding top up that totals $5,000 for business decision making activites and $5,000 for infrastructure investments.

What are the details of eligible activities covered under the grant?

Business Decision making activities

These activities will help manage drought conditions, reposition the farm business, improve on-farm practices or make significant business changes. To be eligible the activity must be purchased and undetaken on or after 2 October 2019.

The following activites are covered;

  • Prepare, review or update strategic business plans
  • Undertake a whole farm plan
  • Undertake business risk assessment
  • Engage agronomic services for the purpose of converting the farm to be more drought resilient (e.g. pasture restoration or improvement plan, feed budgets for drought, managing soils)
  • Undertake business benchmarking
  • Undertake financial management assessment and planning
  • Undertake succession planning

Infrastructure Investment

These investments will improve drought preparedness and better position the farm business into the future. The activities must be purchased and undertaken on or after 2 October 2019.

Improvements include the following;

  • Items to construct a new or upgrade an existing Stock Containment Area (SCA) – such as fencing, gates, troughs, piping, tanks, pumps and livestock feeders. SCAs have specific design and siting requirements that must be met.
  • Reticulated water systems using pumps, piping, tanks and troughs for livestock
  • Irrigation system upgrades (e.g. automated systems, irrigation pumps)
  • Drilling of new stock water bores and associated power supply such as generators or desalination plants
  • Desilting works of existing stock and domestic dams
  • Farm development to improve drought management efficiencies to farm production systems (e.g. soil moisture monitoring, weather stations, telemetry sensor equipment)
  • Adoption of reduced tillage practices, including purchase and/or modification of equipment
  • Grain and fodder storage (e.g. silos, silage bunkers, hay sheds)
  • Internal re-fencing to better match property layout with land capability
  • Fencing for the exclusion of wildlife to protect and manage crops and pastures
  • Pasture restoration (e.g. associated seed and fertiliser costs)
  • Establishment of ground cover (e.g. fodder crops) as a remedial action before pastures can be established
  • Addition of shelter belts for shade, wind breaks and erosion control
  • Upgrading of areas (e.g. laneway upgrades, repairs or expansion) to deliver lasting benefits directly linked to productivity and profitability
  • Feeding system upgrades (e.g. feed pads or feed troughs)
  • Improving waste water and effluent management systems
  • Permanent milk vat upgrades (e.g. electronics)
  • Adoption of precision farming techniques (e.g. auto-steer tramlining, yield mapping and weed-seeker technology)
  • Mechanical seeding (e.g. hire or purchase of seeding machines, roller).
  • Items to improve mobile phone connectivity, such as permissible antennas and mobile phone repeaters, to support farmers to access internet-based information and support services.
  • Weed control, such as purchase of registered herbicide, to support maintenance of healthy pastures and to protect environmental assets.
  • Soil moisture probes as an explicit investment under soil moisture monitoring activities.

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Click the link below to contact us at Plus 1.

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Monday to Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm

Closed Public Holidays


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27 Welsford Street
Shepparton, VIC 3630

T: (03) 5833 3000
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