Start-up Mentoring
Turn your business idea into a reality. At Plus 1 Group, we have extensive specialist knowledge in start- ups, and can guide you step-by-step to create your dream business.

We love new ideas – lets make them happen together!
We specialise in business start-ups and can assist you with the following:
- Deciding on the most suitable structure for your business, whether it be sole trader, partnership or limited company.
- Assessing your finance requirements, advising on the best sources of finance and drawing up the necessary proposals.
- Establishing a good working relationship with your bank.
- Registering for an Australian Business Number, Tax file number and GST with the ATO.
- Preparing registrations for work cover and assessing your work cover requirements.
- Preparing cash flow projections and trading forecasts.
- Completing registration procedures with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
- Dealing with company secretarial issues.
- Deciding on the most suitable recording system for your internal use and compliance with statutory requirements.

Startup Mentoring

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Open Hours
Monday to Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
Closed Public Holidays

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