Wealth Protection

It’s important to make sure the solid financial footing you’ve worked to build for you and your family is protected – particularly in the event of accidents or misfortunes.

Fun is like life insurance;
the older you get, the more it costs.

Sensible financial management means insuring yourself against life’s uncertainties. Many Australian families are affected each year by a serious illness, injury, or untimely death. Naturally, our first thoughts are of the emotional impact of these events.

However, the financial consequences can also be devastating. Investing in personal insurance will help ensure that you and your family can continue to enjoy an ideal quality of life.


Having insurance can provide financial protection for your family’s personal needs when there is no longer anyone able to provide an income to support those needs.

Insurance can be structured to offer the repayment of your debts upon death, disability or illness, and financial assistance for dependents, like paying school fees and protecting against the loss of income.

Depending on the event, you may also need to cover significant medical expenses, rehabilitation, modifications to your home or services to help maintain your lifestyle.

Matt - Financial Advisor


03 5833 3000

Rod - Financial Advisor


03 5833 3000


Your family depend on your financial support to enjoy a decent standard of living, which is why insurance is especially important once you start a family. It means the people who matter most in your life may be protected from financial hardship if the unexpected happens.

Reduce Stress During Difficult Times

Life’s uncertainties can be stressful enough without having to worry about the financial implications. Having insurance in place can help ensure you have one less thing to worry about.

Enjoy Financial Security

Knowing what you spend and what you can save or invest is the key to building long-term sustainable wealth as early as possible.

Peace of Mind

No amount of money can replace your health and wellbeing, or the role you play in your family. But you can at least have peace of mind knowing that if anything happens to you, your family will be financially secure.

A Legacy To Leave Behind

A lump sum death benefit can secure the financial future for your children and protect their standard of living.

Wealth Protection

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