
Are you prepared for the future as best as can be? At Plus 1 Group, we can help you effectively build your superannuation from now until retirement.

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

Superannuation is one of the few areas of investment that provides significant tax advantages, with a concessional tax rate of 15% on investment earnings.

For many people, superannuation is their main form of income after they retire. That’s why it’s important to have superannuation savings, and to add to it when you can so that you’ll have enough money to live on when you retire. Superannuation has become increasingly important over the years, as successive federal governments realise that the Age Pension cannot provide adequate retirement income for all Australians. Superannuation is the foundation of financial security. Not just the security of having enough to live on in retirement, but the peace of mind that comes from having adequate resources to meet any unforeseeable circumstance in life, including time out of the workforce, sickness, permanent disability, or death of a family member. The tax treatment of superannuation makes it an attractive investment to build your financial security. There are a number of superannuation strategies we can assist you with, including splitting superannuation with your spouse, maximising the government co-contribution, capital gains tax concessions, and salary sacrifice, to name a few.
Whether your superannuation is a self-managed fund or an industry fund, it’s still your money and needs to be managed. Too often, busy professionals don’t prioritise the review of their super’s performance and the actions needed to ensure their funds perform, leaving it to turn over, year-in, year-out. Each individual’s circumstances are different, with tax considerations, long-term financial goals and risk profiles to be considered. We can help you understand the complicated concepts surrounding superannuation and assist you in building your wealth for retirement.

Matt - Financial Advisor 

03 5833 3000

Rod - Financial Advisor

03 5833 3000



What is a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund?

As the name suggests, a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is a superannuation fund that you manage yourself. People often set up a SMSF thinking that they can do a better job on their own. While a SMSF can be cost effective and give more flexibility and control over tax outcomes and investment choices, it’s important to take an overall view when deciding whether a SMSF is better for you. Despite these advantages, the decision to commence a SMSF as your preferred superannuation fund should not be taken lightly. SMSF’s have a lot of flexibility. They can allow investment in almost any managed fund, direct share, or financial investment, but also in physical assets such as property, art and collectables. It’s important to note that there are strict laws governing the way SMSF’s are set up and monitored, although they do present great opportunities for clients wanting more flexibility with their superannuation investments.
However, consideration should be given to the level of interest in your portfolio, your risk profile, your financial goals and your level of available assets. It’s important to understand the potential disadvantages, including the risk of non-compliance under the SIS legislation, the costs of running a SMSF, and the time requirements for the ongoing management of the fund. Although individuals have a degree of control over their level of involvement, the minimum level of involvement required is greater compared to funds invested in an industry or retail superannuation fund. We can help you decide if a SMSF is right for you, and help you understand what’s involved in managing it. If you decide that this is the right choice for you, we can help with the establishment and running of the SMSF, to ensure that you are not only meeting the legal requirements, but that your SMSF is invested in a way that helps you achieve your long-term financial goals.
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