Victorian Hospitality Grants Now Available


Licensed Hospitality Grant 

Liquor licensees who are in need of support during COVID-19 read on!

Grants of up to $30,000 will be available to eligible liquor licensees, depending on venue location and patron capacity.
To be eligible you must be located in metro Melbourne or regional Victoria and operating a restraunt, hotel, cafe, pub, bar, club or reception.
Applications will remain open until the 23 of November 2020 or until funds ($251 million) are exausted, whichever is earlier.
Key criteria
  • Operate one or more licensed bars, restaurants, pubs, clubs, hotels, cafes or reception centres in Victoria that serve food and alcohol as of 13 September 2020.
  • Hold a general or late night (general), full club, restaurant and cafe, or on-premises or late night (on-premises) liquor licence as of 13 September 2020.
  • Have been operating prior to 13 September 2020 and intend to continue to operate under the Licensee’s liquor licence.
  • Have a food business holding a Class 2 or 3 Service Sector Certificate of Registration under the Food Act 1984 (Vic) serving food on the same premises.
  • If you have more than one venue operating under your ABN you can apply per venue.

How to apply;

You should receive an invitation to apply from Business Victoria, at the email address you used to sign up for your eLicence on your Liquor Portal account.

Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Package

Are you a restaurant, pub or club and haven’t applied for the Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Grant?

A grant of $5,000 is available for eligible hospitality businesses to move to outdoor dining with the current COVID-19 affected situation.
The grant can be used for training, marketing and other costs of adapting new, expanded or enhanced outdoor dining.
Applications will close on 11th of December 2020 or when funds ($59 million) are exhausted, whichever is earlier.


Key criteria

  • Operate a business within Regional Victoria.
  • Operate from commercial premises.
  • Be an employing business registered with WorkSafe Victoria operate a licensed or unlicensed restaurant, cafe, pub/tavern, bar, club or takeaway food venue.
  • Provide details of relevant permits and licences.
  • Operate a designated space on premises for customers to receive food or alcohol service as at 13 September 2020.
  • Have access to outdoor areas that the business proposes to use for new, expanded or enhanced outdoor dining and food service.
  • Hold or have applied for the relevant permits for expanded or enhanced outdoor dining and food service.
  • Have an annual payroll of up to $3 million in 2019-20 on an ungrouped basis
  • Commit to spending at least $5,000 (exclusive of GST) to activate outdoor dining at their premises.

Click for Vic

The Click for Vic website has been created to help promote travel in Victoria and to support businesses in the tourism sector.

Advertisements are free and provide a good opportunity to advertise and support local business.

If you haven’t created a listing, we would strongly encourage you to!

Apply for a Grant or looking more information?

Click the link below to contact us at Plus 1.

Open Hours

Monday to Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm

Closed Public Holidays


If you need to get us documents quickly, access remote support, or the MYOB Portal click the button above.

Contact Us

27 Welsford Street
Shepparton, VIC 3630

T: (03) 5833 3000
F: (03) 5831 2988
Email Us