Grant News – April 2021


Small Business Fees & Charges Rebate – NSW

Sole Traders, small business owners and not-for-profit organisations may be eligible for small business fees and charges rebate of $1,500.

This rebate aimed at helping businesses recover from the impacts of COVID-19 by reducing the cost of running a business.

Are you eligible for the grant?

To be eligible for the grant you must;

  • Have total Australian wages below the payroll tax threshold of $1.2 million
  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) registered in NSW and/or have business premises physically located and operating in NSW
  • Be registered for goods and services tax (GST)
  • Provide a declaration that the business has a turnover of at least $75,000 per year.

How much is the grant?

Businesses will receive a once-off payment of $1,500.

When is the grant available until?

The rebate will be available until 30 June 2022

How can I apply?

  • You’ll need to provide invoices and receipts showing payment of eligible fees or charges.
  • Two proof of identity documents are required e.g. driver licence, Medicare card, passport, birth certificate

You can apply through the NSW Government website

Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job Grant

The Australian Government has announced this grant to assist jobseekers in taking up a job where relocation is required. Below are the details;

From 1 May 2021, if jobseekers relocate to take up ongoing work, including an apprenticeship, for more than 20 hours a week for more than six months, you may be eligible to receive up to:

  • $3,000 if you relocate to a capital city
  • $6,000 if you relocate to a regional area
  • An extra $3,000 if you relocate with a dependent.

If relocating from one capital city to a capital city with fewer jobs, you may not be able to access relocation assistance.

Employment services providers can use up to $2,000 to provide upfront support to job seekers who need assistance with agreed relocation costs.

How can I apply?

Talk to our local jobactive, Disability Employment Services, ParentsNext, Transition to Work, or Community Development Program provider.

For more information view the factsheet

Apply for a Grant or looking more information?

Click the link below to contact us at Plus 1.

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8:00am to 5:00pm

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