COVID-19 Financial Support
With COVID-19 cases rising and more and more people affected we take a look at financial support available to businesses and individuals.
Support for Businesses
COVIDSafe Deep Cleaning Rebate:
A rebate of up to 80 per cent of cleaning costs up to a maximum of $10,000.
- operate from a worksite or premises in Victoria where a person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
- have undertaken a ‘deep clean’ or ‘decontamination clean’ of the affected worksite
- have evidence of the expenditure
- hold an ABN
- have an annual payroll of less than $3 million
- be registered with WorkSafe if employing people.
Closing date: Ongoing/until funds are fully exhausted
Supporting Documentation
- Invoice or payment notice
- Evidence of payment
- WorkSafe Certificate of Currency (if your business employs people OR Proof of identity (if your business does not employ people)
- Evidence of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 Case
Support for Individuals & Employees
COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment:
A $450 payment to support Victorian workers, including parents and guardians, who are required to self-isolate while they wait for results of their polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID-19 test. For More Information
COVID-19 Disaster Payment:
A lump sum payment to help workers unable to work or earn income due to a COVID-19 state or territory public health order. This may involve a lockdown, hotspot or movement restrictions. Lump sum payments range from $250-$750. For More Information
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment
A one-off payment to help Victorian workers who have been directed to self-isolate or quarantine for 7+ days, or care for someone who has been directed to self-isolate or quarantine. The payment is $750 for 7 days. Alternatively, a positive person who is required to isolate for 10 days, will be able to apply for two payments of $750 each (as the payment is not pro rata). For More Information.
For further support and assistance visit
Apply for a Grant or looking more information?
Click the link below to contact us at Plus 1.
Open Hours
Monday to Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
Closed Public Holidays
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