Award and Annualised Salary Changes

Office Workers

October 1st 2022 Award Increases


 As a reminder to clients, the final group of awards will see their Annual wage increase apply from the first full pay period after 1st October 2022.  The affected awards include:


  • Hospitality Industry (General) Award [MA000009]
  • Registered and Licensed Clubs Award [MA000058]
  • Restaurant Industry Award [MA000119]


  • Alpine Resorts Award [MA000092]
  • Marine Tourism and Charter Vessels Award [MA000093]


  • Air Pilots Award [MA000046]
  • Aircraft Cabin Crew Award [MA000047]
  • Airline Operations – Ground Staff Award [MA000048]
  • Airport Employees Award [MA000049]
  • Airservices Australia Enterprise Award, 2016

If your business operates under one of the above awards, a copy of the award can be found here:


Annualised wage arrangements for restaurant, café and hospitality workers changes from 1st September 2022


 For clients working in the Hospitality or Restaurant sector, Fairwork has updated these awards in respect of Annualised Wage arrangements. The changes apply to the following awards

  • Restaurant Award
  • Hospitality Award

You may know these arrangements as annualised salaries.

Specifically, the changes include;

  • rules about what award entitlements can be included in an annualised wage arrangement
  • new rules about the maximum number of hours that attract overtime or penalty rates that an employee can work in a roster cycle and be included in their annualised wage (called the ‘outer limits’)
  • what needs to be included in a written agreement for an annualised wage arrangement
  • extra record-keeping rules
  • new rules about ending an annualised wage arrangement.

These changes come into force from September 1st, 2022.

Further information can be found at:


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