All Modern Awards Are Changing
Understand your responsibilities and what changes will effect you as an employer
Below is an extract of the changes that will be happening with the modern wards from Feburary 2020. Fairwork have advised the following;
The Fair Work Commission (the Commission) have been reviewing all modern awards since 2014, as part of the 4-yearly review of modern awards. During this process, they’ve clarified how some award clauses work and changed other clauses.
On 2 September 2019, the Commission issued a decision that they’re finalising the review and will release the new versions of the awards in 3 groups (‘tranches’).
The first tranche of awards apply from the first full pay period on or after 4 February 2020.
So, if your pay week is from Monday to Sunday, the new awards take effect from Monday 10 February 2020.
While the review is finishing up, there may be further changes to the awards later on
What do I need to do?
You can find copies of the tranche 1 awards on the Commission’s Modern award list to see what the changes are.
If you’re an employer or manager, every award requires that you make a copy of the award (or awards if more than one applies to your employees) available to your staff on a noticeboard or through accessible electronic means. You’ll need to make sure this is updated when the new award starts applying.
What’s changing?
For most awards, the biggest change is to the layout and the language. This will mean that your award should be simpler and easier to understand. The rules and entitlements in your award probably won’t change significantly.
The Commission have made changes to awards over the last few years. During this time we’ve updated our website and tools, and sent emails to subscribers about significant changes. So, most of the big changes are already in your current award.
When is my award changing?
The first tranche of awards apply from the first full pay period on or after 4 February 2020. The Commission will release the remaining awards once they’re finalised.
The following table lists the awards in each tranche.
Tranche 1 |
Tranche 2 |
Tranche 3 |
Aluminium Industry Award |
Aboriginal Health Award |
Aircraft Cabin Crew Award |
Ambulance Award |
Airline Ground Staff Award |
Amusement Award |
Animal and Veterinary Services Award |
Air Pilots Award |
Broadcasting Award |
Aquaculture Award |
Airport Award |
Black Coal Award |
Banking, Finance and Insurance Award |
Alpine Resorts Award |
Building and Construction Award |
Book Award |
Architects Award |
Business Equipment Award |
Car Parking Award |
Asphalt Award |
Dredging Award |
Cement, Lime and Quarrying Award |
Cleaning Award |
Teachers Award |
Cemetery Award |
Clerks Award |
Electrical Award |
Coal Export Terminals Award |
Commercial Sales Award |
Fitness Award |
Corrections and Detention Award |
Concrete Products Award |
Food and Beverage Manufacturing Award |
Cotton Ginning Award |
Contract Call Centres Award |
Funeral Award |
Electrical Power Industry Award |
Dry Cleaning and Laundry Award |
Retail Award |
Fire Fighting Award |
Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award |
Graphic Arts Award |
Gardening and Landscaping Award |
Educational Services (Post-Secondary) Award |
Health Services Award |
Hydrocarbons (Upstream) Award |
Gas Award |
Horse and Greyhound Award |
Legal Award |
Higher Education Academic Staff Award |
Horticulture Award |
Market and Social Research Award |
Higher Education General Staff Award |
Journalists Award |
Medical Practitioners Award |
Hospitality Award |
Joinery Award |
Mining Award |
Hydrocarbons Field Geologists Award |
Live Performance Award |
Nursery Award |
Labour Market Assistance Award |
Marine Towage Award |
Oil Refining and Manufacturing Award |
Local Government Award |
Marine Tourism and Charter Vessels Award |
Pharmacy Award |
Models Award |
Mobile Crane Hiring Award |
Port Authorities Award |
Manufacturing Award |
Nurses Award |
Premixed Concrete Award |
Offshore Oil and Gas Award |
Miscellaneous Award |
Racing Ground Maintenance Award |
Meat Award |
Plumbing Award |
Real Estate Award |
Pastoral Award |
Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award |
Salt Award |
Passenger Vehicle Award |
Pest Control Award |
Seafood Award |
Pharmaceutical Award |
Professional Award |
Silviculture Award |
Poultry Award |
Racing Clubs Events Award |
Sporting Organisations Award |
Professional Diving (Industrial) Award |
Registered Clubs Award |
State Government Agencies Award |
Professional Diving (Recreational) Award |
Seagoing Award |
Surveying Award |
Rail Award |
Security Award |
Travelling Shows Award |
Restaurant Award |
Sugar Award |
Water Award |
Road Transport (Long Distance) Award |
Supported Employment Services Award |
Wool Award |
Road Transport Award |
Telecommunications Award |
Stevedoring Award |
Textile and Clothing Award |
Storage and Wholesale Award |
Timber Award |
Transport (Cash) Award |
Wine Award |
Vehicle Award |
Waste Award |
The Commission is finalising a plain language redraft for the following awards:
- Fast Food Award
- Hair and Beauty Award
- Aged Care Award
- Social and Community Services Award
- Children’s Services Award.
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